- eckertpatihn
How You Can Help
Our Aftercare program provides additional support, up to two years AFTER our families have graduated from the Apartment Shelter and Diversion programs. The families receive monthly check-ins, attend workshops provided by Family Promise, continue to receive preventative support to reduce the number of families who enter back into homelessness. As we continue to find ways to best support our families, we are noticing there is a need for hygiene items, especially from our families in Aftercare who are no longer in shelter. As our Aftercare families continue to strive towards staying housed, we would love to begin supporting them, as needed, with hygiene items such as:
Toothpaste (adult and kids)
Toothbrushes (adult and kids)
Feminine hygiene products
Shampoo (recommended brands: Cantu, Shea Moisture, Creme of Nature)
Conditioner (recommended brands: Cantu, Shea Moisture, Creme of Nature)
Hair gel (recommended brands: Eco Styler, Ampro: Pro Style, Jam)
Body wash
Bar soap
Body lotion
Disposable razors
Socks (Adults and Kids)
Underwear (Men/ Women/ Kids)
If you would like to donate a few or all of these items, please feel free to:
Have online orders sent to the Day Center
Drop the the items off to the Day Center Monday- Friday, 9am-3pm
Call to arrange a pickup for bulk items