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Indiana Affordable Housing Crisis

Rabbi Dr. Aaron Spiegel, President and Executive Director of Greater Indianapolis Multifaith Alliance (GIMA), is focused on the mission to organize the faith community of Indianapolis to advocate for fair, affordable housing and ending Indy’s eviction crisis.

Housing instability, particularly evictions, is receiving its due attention in this critical moment because it’s nearing a full-blown crisis. According to Eviction Lab, Indianapolis is second only to New York in total evictions. Learn from keynote speaker Rabbi Dr. Aaron Spiegel about ways partners, congregations, and legislation can help lessen the eviction crisis. The event will begin with the testimony of a former guest of Family Promise's Apartment Shelter Program on what it was like to be evicted, displaced, and all while parenting and working.


This event is designed especially for volunteers and supporters of Family Promise of Greater Indianapolis (a family homeless shelter), but the public is welcome to attend.

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