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Home Sweet Home


Home Sweet Home raised more than $98,500 to

 help families with children find permanent homes!

Dear friends,

We are speechless!  In a year with one challenge after another, so many supporters of Family Promise came through for this year's Home Sweet Home event.  Together, the dessert auction, the silent auction, and sponsorships raised more than $98,500!

That means our Family Assistance Fund will be able to help the extra 75 families we will serve in 2020 with things like first month's rent, car repairs, emergency utility bills, and more.

We will be sharing in the coming days videos of the award presentations and guest testimonials, photos from the sessions, and more.  Before all that, though, we really want to thank so many who made last night one to remember:

  • Troy Washington of WRTV for being an outstanding emcee,

  • Nichol, Nikisha, and Tamra for sharing their powerful stories of overcoming obstacles,

  • Ed Trout and Comedy Sportz for the laughs and energy,

  • Your Livestream Guys for the professional streaming/production services,

  • The Willows on Westfield and Crystal Catering for a wonderful venue and food,

  • Every other volunteer we may have missed who gave an hour or prayer for the cause,

  • All of you who attended in person or via livestream--we felt your energy both in the room and across the web!

In my third and final year chairing this event, I especially want to thank the Home Sweet Home Committee who made it all possible, as it is a phenomenal team with which to work.  John Chambers, Pat Eckert, Nancy Hardin, Judy Joutras, Claire Mauschbaugh, Marcella Slabosky, Laura Westerfield--you will forever hold a place in my heart for the talents and passion you bring to this important mission.

Thank you everyone for believing that every child truly deserves a "home sweet home" and helping that become reality for kids and families in Central Indiana.





Kenda Resler Friend
Chairperson, Home Sweet Home


Congratulations to Castleton United Methodist Church for winning the inaugural Dessert Auction Cake Trophy, presented by Major Tool & Machine!

Congregations and companies came together to raise more than $55,000 in the dessert auction campaign for the cause!  We were thrilled with the result, and congratulate Castleton United Methodist for setting a record and raising $9,500 all by themselves!  Pictured is Executive Director Mike Chapuran presenting the trophy today to the Castleton team co-captain Mary Ann Schubert (not pictured is co-captain Brenda Myers).  So many gave generously, and click here to see the final results of all 30 teams.


Won a silent auction item?  Thank you for bidding!

You should have already received emailed instructions about how to pick up or request other arrangements for your item(s).  If not, or if you have a question, email volunteer Liz Chandler (Silent Auction Chair) at


PHOTO: The Castleton United Methodist volunteers at a Home Sweet Home watch party at co-captain Mary Ann Schubert's house.  They had to go into the garage to take this picture because it started raining briefly on their driveway livestream party!

Our deepest gratitude to the 2020 sponsors making this event possible...

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